전장유전체 연관분석 (Genome-wide association study). An examination of many common genetic variants in different individuals to see if any variant is associated with a trait. GWAS typically focus on associations between SNPs and traits like major diseases. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genome-wide_association_study)
대표적인 Genotype and phenotype 연관 연구
Genotype data can be
- PheWAS (Phenome-wide association study)
- EWAS (Epigenome-wide association study)
- EWAS (Environment-wide association study)
- MWAS (Metagenome-wide association study)
- MWAS (Metabolome-wide association study)
Table of Contents
관련 논문 #
GWAS 학습용 자료
- Chapter 11: Genome-Wide Association Studies PLOS Computational biology : GWAS에 대한 학습용 자료
GWAS 사례들
- Insight into the genetic architecture of back pain and its risk factors from a study of 509,000 individuals bioRxiv : Back pain과 그 Pleiotropy 효과 연구
- GWAS on prolonged gestation (post-term birth): analysis of successive Finnish birth cohorts : 임신 기간 연구
- Genome-wide association study of offspring birth weight in 86,577 women highlights maternal genetic effects that are independent of fetal genetics bioRxiv : 출생 체중 GWAS 분석 했더니, 엄마와 독립적인 듯.
- Genome-wide analyses for personality traits identify six genomic loci and show correlations with psychiatric disorders Nature Genetics : 23andMe 개인의 정신적 특징 5개에 대한 GWAS 연구
- Extraversion (versus introversion) reflects talkativeness, assertiveness and a high activity level.
- Neuroticism (versus emotional stability) reflects negative affect, such as anxiety and depression.
- Agreeableness (versus antagonism) measures cooperativeness and compassion.
- Conscientiousness (versus undependability) indicates diligence and self-discipline.
- Openness to experience (versus being closed to experience) captures intellectual curiosity and creativit
- Pathway-Based Genome-Wide Association Studies for Two Meat Production Traits in Simmental Cattle Nature : Biological pathway based GWAS
- Genome-wide association study for birth weight in Nellore cattle points to previously described orthologous genes affecting human and bovine height BMC Genetics
GWAS 연구방법 보완
- From genome-wide associations to candidate causal variants by statistical fine-mapping Nature Reviews Genetics
- The personal and clinical utility of polygenic risk scores Nature Reviews Genetics : polygenic risk score에 대한 리뷰 논문
- Including phenotypic causal networks in genome-wide association studies using mixed effects structural equation models bioRxiv
- Implicit Causal Models for Genome-wide Association Studies arXiv : GWAS에 대한 추론 모델
- COMBAT: A Combined Association Test for Genes Using Summary Statistics Genetics : COMBAT이라는 GWAS 보완 연구방법
- Discovering genetic interactions bridging pathways in genome-wide association studies bioRxiv
관련 정보 #
관련 프로그램
- GCTA: Genome-wide complex trait analysis
- easyGWASCore: C, C++로 알고리즘을 만들고, Python 인터페이스를 만듬. GWAS 및 관련 메타 분석 가능
- PLINK: C++로 만들어진 대표적인 집단유전학 분석 프로그램 (American Journal of Human Genetics, )
- KING: SNP array 데이터로부터 혈연관계 추정 (Kinship analysis)
- adegenet: SNP array 데이터로 GWAS 분석하기 R 패키지
- StAMPP: Mixed polyploid 데이터에 대한 집단유전학 분석 R 패키지
- GAPIT: GWAS and selection R 패키지
- EMMA: R 패키지
- TASSEL: software for association mapping of complex traits in diverse samples Java GUI 프로그램
- GenABEL: R 패키지 (Bioinformatics, )
- GWAS(전유전체관련성분석)의 가치를 둘러싼 우려 : 가치가 없으려나
- Genome of the Netherlands: 네덜란드인 770명 GWAS
- 전 게놈 관련 분석으로 배우는 유전 통계학 R users conference in Korea 2014
- GWAS로 배우는 유전통계학 : 6편까지 있음
Incoming Links #
[Medical Scholarly Articles] About (MedicalScholarlyArticle 0) #
- A GWAS assessment of the contribution of genomic imprinting to the variation of body mass index in mice
- Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment
- Robust relationship inference in genome-wide association studies
- Systematic comparison of phenome-wide association study of electronic medical record data and genome-wide association study data
[Codes] About (Code 1) #
Related Medical Conditions (MedicalCondition 2) #
- Ageing
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Depression
- Diabetes mellitus
- Headache
- Hypertension
- Parkinson's disease
- Prostate cancer
- Thyroid cancer
Related Datasets (Dataset 3) #
Related Books (Book 4) #
Related Products (Product 5) #
Related Articles (Article 6) #
- DNA profiling
- Epigenome-wide association studies
- Genetic risk index
- Hair loss
- Human genome
- Human leukocyte antigen
- Identity by descent
- Intelligence quotient
- Low back pain
- Metagenomics
- Opportunities and challenges of whole-genome and -exome sequencing
- Personalized medicine
- PheWAS
- SNP array
Related Education Events (EducationEvent 7) #
[Datasets] About (Dataset 8) #
[Software Applications] About (SoftwareApplication 9) #
Related Medical Scholarly Articles (MedicalScholarlyArticle 10) #
- Complex disease and phenotype mapping in the domestic dog
- Genome-wide association analysis of more than 120,000 individuals identifies 15 new susceptibility loci for breast cancer
- Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment
- Methods of integrating data to uncover genotype–phenotype interactions
- Robust relationship inference in genome-wide association studies
[Articles] About (Article 11) #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.106 Hyperlipidemia
- 0.091 Large language model
- 0.077 F-statistics
- 0.064 SNV
- 0.056 Breeding value
- 0.054 IBD
- 0.051 Haploview
- 0.044 CGHub
- 0.041 Bioinformatics
- 0.038 개인유전체 검사 결과를 설명하는 방법
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