Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0
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- (rev. 12)
- Hyungyong Kim
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Affymetrix사의 SNP array 플랫폼 가운데 하나. CNV도 확인할 수 있다. GEO platform GPL6801 GWAS study에도 많이 사용됨. 줄여서 SNP6라고도 함.
Table of Contents
Chip contents #
Total 1.8 million marker
- 906,600 SNP markers
- Unbiased selection of 482,000 SNPs (from 5.0)
- Additional 424,000 SNPs
- Tag SNPs
- SNPs from chromosomes X and Y
- Mitochondrial SNPs
- New SNPs added to the dbSNP database
- SNPs in recombination hotspots
- 946,000 CNV probes
- 202,000 probes targetting 5,677 known CNV region from the Toronto Database of Genomic Variants
- Regions resolve into 3,182 distinct, non-overlapping segments (on average 61 probes per region)
- 744,000 probes, evenly spaced along the genome
특징 #
Allele-specific copy number 확인 가능
(Genotype information in addition to the quantitative copy number information from a single assay allows researchers to identify uniparental disomy events and distinguish between different genetic mechanisms of loss of heterozygosity (LOH).)
분석 소프트웨어 #
- Genotyping Console Software: Affymetrix GUI
- Affymetrix Power Tools: Command line interface
- PennCNV
관련자료 #
- Technical Note in Affymetrix homepage
- SNP 6.0 GeneChip arrays: Strengths and limitations for copy number analysis
- Copy-neutral loss of heterozygosity in Cancer in Affymetrix application note
Incoming Links #
Related Medical Scholarly Articles (MedicalScholarlyArticle 0) #
- Comparison of custom capture for targeted next-generation DNA sequencing
- Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours
- Gene-based comparative analysis of tools for estimating copy number alterations using whole-exome sequencing data
- Landscape of somatic mutations in 560 breast cancer whole-genome sequences
- The genomic and transcriptomic architecture of 2,000 breast tumours reveals novel subgroups
Related Datasets (Dataset 1) #
Related Articles (Article 2) #
Related Education Events (EducationEvent 3) #
Related Codes (Code 4) #
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