Cancer epigenetics is the study of epigenetic modifications to the genome of cancer cells that do not involve a change in the nucleotide sequence (
Cancer Epigenetics. Epigenetic alteration in tumor progression
Table of Contents
개요 #
- Silencing of Tumor suppressor genes by local hypermethylation of DNA
- Global changes in DNA methylation
- Changes of Histone modifications.
Noncoding RNAs and Cancer
- OncomiRs: miR-200, miR-155
- Tumor suppressive miRs: miR-15, miR-16
- Tumor suppressive properties of mIR processing factors: DICER
관련자료 #
논문 #
- Epigenetics of breast cancer: Biology and clinical implication in the era of precision medicine Seminars in Cancer Biology : Breast cancer 후성유전 리뷰
- A chemical probe toolbox for dissecting the cancer epigenome Nature Reviews Cancer
- Epigenome-wide association study reveals decreased average methylation levels years before breast cancer diagnosis Clinical Epigenetics
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