Embryogenesis (배발생) is the process by which the embryo forms and develops. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embryogenesis)
Developmental biology, Embryology의 주요 연구 분야
- Fertilisation (수정)
- Zygote (수정란)
- Cleavage (난할) - G1,G2 없이 세포수만 늘어남
- Blastulation (포배형성)
- Compaction (꽉채움)
- Cell differentiation (분화)
- Carvitation (공동화)
- Implantation (착상)
- Gastrulation (낭배 형성, blastula(포배) --> gastrula(낭배))
- Ectoderm (외배엽), Mesoderm (중배엽), Endoderm (내배엽) formation
- Neurulation (신경배 형성)
관련 논문
- Ground rules of the pluripotency gene regulatory network Nature Review Genetics : 관련 Biological network 연구
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