Bioinformatics를 위한 파이프라인 기술
관련 프로그램
관련 논문
- A Review of Scalable Bioinformatics Pipelines Data Science and Engineering
- A review of bioinformatic pipeline frameworks Briefings in Bioinformatics
- bcbio-nextgen
- Omics Pipe
- Make
- Implicit convertion frameworks: Snakemake, BigDataScript, Nextflow
- Explicit frameworks: Ruffus, Bpipe
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[Codes] About (Code 0) #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.365 VIPER
- 0.172 VIPER: Visualization Pipeline for RNA-seq, a Snakemake workflow for efficient and complete RNA-seq analysis
- 0.028 hppRNA-a Snakemake-based handy parameter-free pipeline for RNA-Seq analysis of numerous samples
- 0.023 Broad Institute
- 0.023 Brad Chapman
- 0.022 Bioinformatics problems
- 0.022 RNA-Seq Blog
- 0.022 MEGAN
- 0.022
- 0.022 April 27
- More suggestions...