Genomics를 위한 Machine learning. Digital healthcare를 위한 중요한 도구.
- Google Has Released an AI Tool That Makes Sense of Your Genome : Google에서 DeepVariant라는 Genome 기계학습 분석 도구를 공개했다고.
- 인공지능, 의사도 능가 : 전자의료기록(EMR) 데이터를 학습하여, 심장마비 예측. AUC 0.75
- Survey of deep learning techniques for disease prediction based on omics data Human Gene
- A primer on deep learning in genomics Nature Genetics
- Deep Learning in Genomics Primer (Tutorial): Jupyter Notebook으로 만들어진 Primer
- Identifying Antimicrobial Peptides using Word Embedding with Deep Recurrent Neural Networks : Deep learning으로 Antimicrobial peptide 확인
- Predicting the clinical impact of human mutation with deep neural networks Nature Genetics : 유인원과의 비교 분석으로 변이의 임상 영향 예측
- Machine Learning Detects Pan-cancer Ras Pathway Activation in The Cancer Genome Atlas Cell Reports
- Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology Journal of the American College of Cardiology : Cardiology 분야에서도.
- Machine Learning Identifies Stemness Features Associated with Oncogenic Dedifferentiation Cell : 줄기세포와 아닌 세포와 Gene expression 프로파일로 기계학습하여, stemness를 추정하는 인덱스 개발 - 일반 암의 stemness에도 적용
- Deep neural networks show an equivalent and often superior performance to dermatologists in onychomycosis diagnosis: Automatic construction of onychomycosis datasets by region-based convolutional deep neural network PLOS One : 발톱 무좀 진단에 이용
- A machine learning approach to integrate big data for precision medicine in acute myeloid leukemia Nature Communication : AML Precision medicine을 기계학습으로
- A machine-learning heuristic to improve gene score prediction of polygenic traits Scientific Reports
- Deep learning for computational biology Molecular Systems Biology : Deep learning 생물학적 응용 사례 리뷰
- Joint analysis of multiple high-dimensional data types using sparse matrix approximations of rank-1 with applications to ovarian and liver cancer BioData Mining : Gene expression (mRNA, microRNA), DNA methylation 데이터를 통합한 행렬을 만들고, IPA, SVD로 중요정보 추출 -- TCGA 데이터로 Survival analysis 검증.
- Machine Learning in Genomic Medicine: A Review of Computational Problems and Data Sets Proceedings of the IEEE
- Machine learning applications in cancer prognosis and prediction Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
- Machine learning in bioinformatics Briefings in Bioinformatics
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