Evolution: A Course for Educators
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- (rev. 9)
- Hyungyong Kim
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- https://class.coursera.org/amnhevolution-002
교육자를 위한 Evolution. Coursera 강의.
Table of Contents
Week One: Darwin's First Great Idea - The Tree of Life #
Introduction to the Course #
Evolution: What It Is and Why It's Important #
What questions does evolutionary science try to answer?
- What are the unit of nature? - Species, groups of species, individual organisms, and associations/assemblages of species or individuals.
- What has been the history of life? - Relationships of these units over time
- How and why have the properties - genotypes and phenotypes - of units changed over time?
Darwin's two great ideas
- Descent with modification
- Adaptation via natural selection
Why is the Tree of Life important?
- Make predictions
How evoution saves lives and promotes societal well-being
- PCR polymerase came from Yellostone national park
Charles Darwin's Evidence for Evolution #
5년간의 닫혀진(close), 그칠새없는(incessant), 강박적인(obessive) 항해가 있었기에 가능
Three patterns
- The replacement of extinct species by modern ones (armadillos, giant sloths)
- The geographic replacement of one species by another over large portions of the South American continent (rheas)
- Micro-version of the same geographic replacement patterns on different islands in a chain (mockingbirds and tortoises)
Species, Speciation, and the Tree of Life #
So what is a species?
- Populations (or groups of populations) that can be told apart by their characters (phenotypic or genetic)
- Populations (or gorups of populations) that can be told apart and do NOT interbreed with one another
How species arise?
- Allopatric speciation: Barrier happen, and speciation
- Peripheral allopatric isolation: Already barrier, long distance dispersal event and isolation
Three main mechanisms causing genetic and phenotypic differentiation in isolated populations
- Genetic drift: leads to fixation of genetic changes randomly in small populations
- Natural selection: fixes genetic/phenotypic changes
- Sexual selection: Through differential mate choice, fixes genetic/phenotypic changes
The goal of phylogenetic analysis is to discover monophyletic ("natural") groups
Phylogenetic relationships as a series of 3-taxon statements
- Synapomorphy: shared derived character
- Autapomorphy: drived (restricted to single taxon)
- Symplesiomorphy: shared primitive character
- Homoplasy: multiple origin of a character
Optimality criteria and the TOL: philosophical parsimony
- Most methods based on minimizing total branch length of tree (methodological parsimony)
- Maximum parsimony: minimum number of steps
- Distance analysis: shortest tree length for given distance measure
- Maximum likelihood: most likely tree based on a given model of sequence evolution
Thinking about Evolution: A Systematist's Perspective #
Building the Tree of Life #
Teaching Evolutionary Science #
What are the "evolution basics" that we need to teach our students
AAAS Atlas for Science Literacy
- NSDL Science Literacy Maps
- Research on Student Learning: Biological Evolution, Natural Selection
Student Misconceptions about Evolution
- "Adaptation" is not intentional
Uncovering Student Ideas in Science
Week Two: Darwin's second Great Idea - Adaption via Natural Selection #
Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection #
Natural selection
- Principle of variation: within population there is variation
- Principle of heridity: offsprint resemble parents more than unrelated individuals
- Principle of selection: some are more successful at surviving and reproducing in an given environment
Similarity in traits arising from shared genotypes
$$ V_P = V_G + V_E $$
$$ h^2 = \frac{V_G}{V_G + V_E} $$
h is heritability, if it is high, there is a selective power?
Components of selection
- zygotes -> adults: viability selection (major)
- adults -> parent: sexual selection
- parents -> gamets: fecundity selection, gametic selection
- gametes -> zygotes: compatability selection
- Directional
- Stabilizing
- Diversifying
Positive selection: Selection that spreads an allele with positive effects on fitness
Purifying selection: Negative or stabilizing selection that eliminates deleterious mutations
Co-Evolution #
Basic Processes of Evolution #
A Visit to the Ornithology Collections #
Pear-Graded Assignment: Evidence for Evolution #
Teaching With the Next Generation Science Standards #
Building Phylogenetic Trees #
Incoming Links #
Related Articles (Article 0) #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.183 Microbiome
- 0.154 Natural selection
- 0.075 Whale
- 0.052 TimeTree
- 0.052 Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
- 0.041 Charles Darwin
- 0.034 Ronald Fisher
- 0.026 Inclusive fitness
- 0.024 PyCon Korea 2014
- 0.024 Primer design
- More suggestions...