Animal breeding (동물육종) is a branch of Animal science that addresses the evaluation (using Best linear unbiased prediction and other methods) of the genetic value (Estimated breeding value, EBV) of livestock. The scientific theory of animal breeding incorporates Population genetics, Quantitative genetics, Statistics, and recently Genomics and is based on the pioneering work of Sewall Wright, Jay Lush, and Charles Henderson. (
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Table of Contents
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[Software Applications] About (SoftwareApplication 1) #
[Codes] About (Code 2) #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.449 BioMart
- 0.056 Genomic Selection in Aquaculture: Application, Limitations and Opportunities With Special Reference to Marine Shrimp and Pearl Oysters
- 0.047 Machine learning for Genomics
- 0.041 Genomic imprinting
- 0.030 Genome project
- 0.025
- 0.024 PED
- 0.023 Evolutionary biology
- 0.022 Plant breeding
- 0.022 근교계수
- More suggestions...