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- (rev. 2)
- Hyungyong Kim
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- tbs 교통방송
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- https://tbs.seoul.kr/cont/FM/NewsFactory/replay/replay.do
이 방송을 듣기 시작하면서, 영어, 과학 등 타 Podcast를 못듣고 있다. Hyungyong Kim,
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- 0.130 The Selfish Gene
- 0.099 District 9
- 0.092 세미나 발표: 유전변이의 비밀
- 0.083 Dawkins vs. Gould
- 0.055 The God Delusion
- 0.051 Science and religion
- 0.025 Salsa
- 0.024 Korea
- 0.024
- 0.024 SSL
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