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- (rev. 10)
- Hyungyong Kim
Structured data
- Date Published
- Programming Language
- Python
- C
다차원 배열, 행렬 데이터를 다루도록 설계된 파이썬 Open source 모듈.
제공하는 Linear algebra 관련 연산기능
- diag: diagonal elements
- dot: matrix multiplication
- trace: sum of the diagonal elements
- det: matrix determinant
- eig: eigenvalues and eigenvectors
- inv: Invertible matrix
- pinv: Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse
- qr: QR decomposition
- svd: Singular value decomposition
- solve: solve the linear system
- listsq: least-squares solution
- A Visual Intro to NumPy and Data Representation
- Using NumPy efficiently
- NumPy와 C++ Extensions의 성능 비교
- NumPy Cheat Sheet - Python for Data Science
- Distributed NumPy on a Cluster with Dask Arrays
- From Python to Numpy
- NumPy Tutorial: Data analysis with Python
Table of Contents
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Related Codes (Code 2) #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.161 Text-to-image model
- 0.131 파이썬으로 메타지놈 기본 프로파일링 따라하기
- 0.118 Non-negative matrix factorization
- 0.116 Kubeflow
- 0.045 DVC
- 0.043 WDL
- 0.038 Machine learning for Genomics
- 0.025 Hyuna Kim
- 0.024 Useful data
- 0.023 Data visualization
- More suggestions...