Molecular and genetic properties of tumors associated with local immune cytolytic activity
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- (rev. 2)
- Hyungyong Kim
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- Cancer immunotherapy
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- Cell
Non-coding RNA에 박혀있는 Virus가 Epitope로 작용하여 Immune system에 영향을 미쳐서 Cancer 예후와 관련된다는 논문
많은 MHC Class I-associated neoantigen들이 cytolytic activity와 관련있음. gene mutation도 관련있고, genetic amplification도 관련있음.
Table of Contents
Summary #
Introduction #
Results #
A Metric for Immune Cytolytic Activity Based on Gene Expression in TCGA Tumors #
Cytolytic Activity Is Associated with Counter-Regulatory Immune Responses and Improved Prognosis #
Tumor Cytolytic Activity Is Associated with Oncogenic Viruses in Some Tumors #
Cytolytic Cells Are Likely to Be Targeting Tumor Neoantigens #
Ectopic Gene Expression, Endogenous Retroviruses, and Necrosis Associated with CYT #
Mutations in Specific Driver Genes Were Enriched in Tumors with Higher Cytolytic Activity #
Higher CYT Was Associated with Mutations in Genes Involved in Antigen-Presentation, Extrinsic Apoptosis, and Innate Immune Sensing #
Loci Containing Known Immune Regulators Show Copy Number Alterations Associated with CYT #
Discussion #
Suggested Pages #
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