In Machine learning, support vector machines (SVM) are supervised learning models with associated learning algorithms that analyze data and recognize patterns, used for Classification, Regression analysis and Outliers detection. (
- high dimensional space에 효과적
- dimension의 수가 sample 보다 많을 때 효과적
- decision function에서 학습 지점 서브셋을 쓰며, 메모리 효율.
- 다재다능함
- feature의 수가 sample 보다 많을 때는 kernel function을 선택하면서 overfitting을 줄여야 함
- 직접 probability 예측을 하지 않음
- SVC (C-Support Vector Classification)
- NuSVC (Nu-Support Vector Classification)
- LinearSVC (Linear Support Vector Classification)
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