SRA Toolkit
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- (rev. 7)
- Hyungyong Kim
Structured data
다음과 같은 프로그램들이 있다.
- bi-dump: Convert SRA data into ABI format (csfasta / qual)
- fastq-dump: Convert SRA data into fastq format
- illumina-dump: Convert SRA data into Illumina native formats (qseq, etc.)
- prefetch: Allows command-line downloading of SRA, dbGaP, and ADSP data
- sam-dump: Convert SRA data to sam format
- sff-dump: Convert SRA data to sff format
- sra-stat: Generate statistics about SRA data (quality distribution, etc.)
- sra-pileup: Generate pileup statistics on aligned SRA data
- vdb-config: Display and modify VDB configuration information
- vdb-dump: Output the native VDB format of SRA data.
- vdb-encrypt: Encrypt non-SRA dbGaP data ("phenotype data")
- vdb-decrypt: Decrypt non-SRA dbGaP data ("phenotype data")
- vdb-validate: Validate the integrity of downloaded SRA data
참고 #
- fastq-dump시 기본 옵션이 pair를 하나로 합친 것이다. 분리하려면 --split-spot 옵션 적용 (별도의 파일로 하려면 --split-files)
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