어떤 관심 분야를 개념화하기 위해 명시적으로 정형화한 명세서 (An ontology is an explicit and formal specification of a conceptualisation of a domain of interest)
An ontology is a computational representation of a domain of knowledgebased upon a controlled, standardized vocabulary for describing entities and the semantic relationships between them.
- Gene Ontology (1st ontology)
- Chemical ontology
- ChEBI - Chemical Entities of Biological Interest
- Pathway ontology
- Disease ontology
- Human Phenotype Ontology
- CL - Cell Ontology
- SO - Sequence Ontology
- PRO - Protein Ontology
- Plant Ontology
- Environment Ontology
- Ontology for Biomedical Investigation
- RNA Ontology
- FoodOn (Food Ontology)
세부 명세는 OWL로 기술한다.
Table of Contents
Basic #
Categorization of ontology
- Top-level ontology
- Domain ontology
- Task ontology
- Application ontology
- A simple top-level ontology to support information integration in scientific research
- Defining a framework that will help to ensure consistency and non-redundancy of the ontologies create in its terms
Three fundamental dichotomies
- Continuant vs. occurent
- Dependent vs. independent
- Type vs. instance
3 kinds of relations
- Between types
- human is_a mammal
- human heart part_of human
- Between an instance and a type
- this human instance_of the type human
- this human allergic_to the type tamiflu
- Between instance
- Mary's heart part_of Mary
- Mary's aorta connected_to Mary's heart
관련논문 #
- KaBOB: ontology-based semantic integration of biomedical databases BMC Bioinformatics
- A Study on the Ontology Model for Preventing Livestock Disease Spread International Journal of Smart Home
관련 정보 #
- 웹기반의 온톨로지 편집 운영 시스템 김형용 발명 특허
토론 #
Ontology 가 뭡니까?
- http://www-ksl.stanford.edu/kst/what-is-an-ontology.html
- http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?HomePage
사전에보면, 존재론, 본체론... 뭐 이렇게들 얘기나오는데 "'''본질적 의미, 개념에 대한 명세'''" 정도로 쉽게 해석할 수 있지 않을까 싶습니다. 어떤 사물이나 현상이 있다고 할때, 그걸 표현하는 언어가 있겠고, 그 언어를 통해 바라보는 본질의 의미...
그래서, Gene ontology는 각종 유전자,분자생물학관련된 용어를 단지 사전적해석보다는 본질적 의미론적인 접근을 하고자 하는것이고, http://biohackers.net/wiki/HybridTheCreativeOntology 의 페이지제목은 Hybrid란 용어를 좀더 본질적 의미라는 뜻으로 쓰고자 함입니다.
Incoming Links #
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[Datasets] About (Dataset 3) #
Suggested Pages #
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