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- (rev. 8)
- Hyungyong Kim
Structured data
- About
- ChIP-seq
- Date Published
- Programming Language
- Bioconductor
- R
- http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/DiffBind.html
Differential Binding Analysis of ChIP-Seq peak data
Table of Contents
Guide summary #
DiffBind: Differential binding analysis of ChIP-Seq peak data
Introduction #
Identifying statistically significantly differentially bound sites based on evidence of binding affinity between two groups
Processing overview #
DiffBind involves five phases
- Reading in peaksets: MACS와 같은 peak caller 프로그램의 결과 (eg. .csv, .xlsx)
- Occupancy analysis: merge replicates or other peak caller result
- Counting reads: using BAM files, make binding affinity matrix for each sample. With this matrix, samples can be re-clustered.
- Differential binding affinity analysis: identify statiscally significiantly differentially bound sites between sample groups. using edgeR make p-value and FDR
- Plotting and reporting: MA plot, correlation heatmap, PCA plots, Box plots
Example: obtaining differentially bound sites #
Dataset: ChIPs against the transcription factor ERa using 5 breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7 3 responsive to Tamoxifen, 2 resistant). There are at least 2 replicates. (Differential oestrogen receptor binding is associated with clinical outcome in breast cancer (Ross-Innes et al.) Nature, )
Peak caller is MACS
Reading in the peaksets #
Counting reads #
Establishing a contrast #
Performaing the differential analysis #
Retrieving the differentially bound sites #
Example: plotting #
Venn diagrams #
MA plots #
PCA plots #
Boxplots #
Heatmaps #
Example: differential binding analysis using a blocking factor #
Example: occupancy analysis and overlaps #
Overlap rates #
Deriving consensus peaksets #
A complete occupancy analysis: identifying sites unique to a sample group #
Comparision of occupancy and affinity based analyses #
Technical notes #
Loading peaksets #
Merging peaks #
edgeR analysis #
DESeq analysis #
DESeq2 analysis #
Vignette Data #
Using DiffBind and ChIPQC together #
Suggested Pages #
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