An integrative approach to reveal driver gene fusions from paired-end sequencing data in cancer
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- (rev. 1)
- Hyungyong Kim
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- Date Published
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- Nature Biotechnology
ConSig 방법이 처음 소개된 논문 - Driver Fusion gene 탐색하기
Table of Contents
Summary #
Understanding the recombination of fusion partners #
Quantification of concept signatures #
Genetic characterists of unbalanced fusion genes #
An integrative approach to new fusion discovery #
Suggested Pages #
- 0.308 Cancer genome data analysis and knowledgebase
- 0.025 ABL1
- 0.025 BCR
- 0.025 SHC1
- 0.025
- 0.025 MAPK1
- 0.025 RB
- 0.025 PIK3R1
- 0.025 Hyungyong Kim
- 0.025 Chromosomal translocation
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