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- Bioinformatics
List of bioinformatics journals라고 예전에 소개된 바 있으나, 벌써 4년전 자료라 현재 피인용지수(Impact factor)를 검색해봤다.
각 저널별로 Impact Factor Search 사이트를 검색함. (/ 결과 참고) 생물정보 분야더라도 잘 쓴다면 Nature에 올릴 수도 있으니 거기 부터.
- Nature Biotechnology - 41.514
- Nature - 41.456
- Cell - 32.242
- Nature Methods - 32.072
- Nature Genetics - 29.352
- Genome Research - 14.63
- Nature Comminucations - 11.47
- Genome Biology - 10.81
- Briefings in Bioinformatics - 9.617
- Nucleic Acids Research - 9.11
- Scientific Reports - 5.228
- PLOS Computational Biology - 4.829
- Bioinformatics - 4.981
- BMC Genomics - 3.986
- Briefings in Functional Genomics - 3.673
- BMC Medical Genomics - 2.873
- Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics - 2.70
- Biostatistics - 2.649
- BMC Bioinformatics - 2.576
- Journal of Biomedical Informatics - 2.194
- BioData Mining - 2.024
- Cancer Informatics - 1.6406
- Evolutionary Bioinformatics - 1.452
- IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics - 1.438
- Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology - 0.783
- Journal Of Computational Biology - 1.737
- Computers in Biology and Medicine - 1.240
- Current Bioinformatics - 0.921
- International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics - 0.495
분야가 다소 다르지만, 내용에 따라 투고가 가능한 곳
- Oncogene - 8.459
- Oncotarget - 6.359
- Oncogenesis - 5.334
- Human Mutation - 5.144
- Human Genetics - 4.824
- PLOS ONE - 3.234
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling - 0.959
WikiPedia에 더 많은 생물정보관련 학술지 목록이 있으나 일단 관심저널은 여기까지.
Suggested Pages #
- 0.025 Hepatoma
- 0.025 Leiomyoma
- 0.025 Hemangiosarcoma
- 0.025 April 1
- 0.025 Korea
- 0.025 MEGA
- 0.025 April 4
- 0.025 January 14
- 0.025 Melanocytic nervus
- 0.025 Hyuna Kim
- More suggestions...
Other Posts #
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