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- (rev. 4)
- Hyungyong Kim
Structured data
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- Cambridge
PetaGene decreases the size of genomic data, reducing storage costs and data transfer times without compromising data quallity.
압축 FASTQ, BAM에 비해 6배 더 적은 공간 사용. Bio-IT World in Boston에서 46개의 경쟁제품을 이기고, Best of Show 선정.
PetaSuite #
NGS 데이터 용량을 줄이는 일련의 소프트웨어 도구들
- Lossless Compression: Robust, high performance FASTQ.gz and BAM compression
- BayesCal: Reveolutionay Bayesian approach to NGS quality score refinement for FASTQ and BAM files
- PetaView: Transparently access compresses files in their original format. Easy migration
- BayesQual: Improves the BQSR stage of genomics pipelines smaller files, better genotyping accuracy
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