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- (rev. 7)
- Hyungyong Kim
Structured data
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FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.
주요 특징
- OpenAPI for API creation
- Data model documentation with JSON schema
- 파이썬 타입 주석 by pydantic
- 파이썬 비동기 서버 by Starlette
- Serving machine learning models with FastAPI: It’s not all about speed
- FastAPI의 시대. 아직도 Flask 쓰시나요?
- FastAPI 시작하기 + API 내에서 다른 API로 요청하는 방법 : 비동기이므로 requests 대신 httpx 나 aiohttp 를 써야 함
- FastAPI 톺아보기 - 부제: python 백엔드 봄은 온다
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