Computer vision (컴퓨터 비전) is a field that deals with how computers can be made for gaining high-level understanding from digital images or videos. (
관련 링크
- Tencent ML-Images: Machine learning을 위한 Open source 이미지 모음
- Computer vision lecture
- 영상 데이터의 처리와 정보의 추출
관련 포스팅
- OpenCV Age Detection with Deep Learning
- Image Segmentation Using Color Spaces in OpenCV + Python
- Semantic segmentation with OpenCV and deep learning
- OpenCV Object Tracking
- OpenCV Saliency Detection
- Face recognition with OpenCV, Python, and deep learning : OpenCV, Python, Deep learning을 이용한 얼굴 인식
Table of Contents
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[Datasets] About (Dataset 2) #
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- 0.143 나의 아저씨
- 0.132 Stable Diffusion
- 0.063 Hyperlipidemia
- 0.047 Data science
- 0.044 Docker Compose
- 0.042 Feature extraction
- 0.035 CTGS
- 0.031 Vim
- 0.028 Hyungyong Kim/
- 0.027 Cell-free tumor DNA
- More suggestions...